Pandora: Web Server Statistics

HTTP Server General Statistics

Server: (NCSA Common)
Local date: Wed 15 Oct 12:11:03 PM MET DST 1997
Covers: 16/08/97 to 16/08/97 (61 days).
All dates are in local time.

Requests last 7 days: 968
New unique hosts last 7 days: 0
Total unique hosts: 2
Number of HTML requests: 0
Number of script requests: 8
Number of non-HTML requests: 1132
Number of malformed requests (all dates): 423
Total number of all requests/errors: 1563
Average requests/hour: 1.1, requests/day: 26.2
Running time: 1 second.

Go to: [Monthly report] [Weekly report] [Daily report] [Hourly summary] [Domain report]

HTTP Server Monthly Statistics (See general statistics)

Covers: 16/08/97 to 16/08/97 (61 days). All dates are in local time. Each mark (#) represents 1000 requests. ---------------------------------------------- Aug (16/08/97): 111 : Sep (01/09/97): 26 : Oct (01/10/97): 1003 : #

HTTP Server Weekly Statistics (See general statistics)

Covers: 16/08/97 to 16/08/97 (61 days). All dates are in local time. Each mark (#) represents 50 requests. ---------------------------------------------- Week of 11/08/97: 64 : # Week of 18/08/97: 23 : Week of 25/08/97: 24 : Week of 01/09/97: 6 : Week of 08/09/97: 18 : Week of 22/09/97: 2 : Week of 29/09/97: 35 : # Week of 13/10/97: 968 : ###################

HTTP Server Daily Statistics (See general statistics)

Covers: 16/08/97 to 16/08/97 (61 days). All dates are in local time. Each mark (#) represents 10 requests. ---------------------------------------------- 16/08/97 (Sat): 19 : ## 17/08/97 (Sun): 45 : ##### 18/08/97 (Mon): 23 : ## 28/08/97 (Thu): 24 : ## 01/09/97 (Mon): 6 : # 09/09/97 (Tue): 5 : # 12/09/97 (Fri): 13 : # 23/09/97 (Tue): 2 : 01/10/97 (Wed): 35 : #### 13/10/97 (Mon): 395 : ######################################## 14/10/97 (Tue): 434 : ########################################### 15/10/97 (Wed): 139 : ##############

HTTP Server Hourly Summary (See general statistics)

Covers: 16/08/97 to 16/08/97 (61 days). All dates are in local time. Each mark (#) represents 20 requests. ---------------------------------------------- midnite: 0 : 1:00 am: 0 : 2:00 am: 0 : 3:00 am: 0 : 4:00 am: 0 : 5:00 am: 0 : 6:00 am: 0 : 7:00 am: 0 : 8:00 am: 39 : ## 9:00 am: 0 : 10:00 am: 0 : 11:00 am: 0 : noon: 164 : ######## 1:00 pm: 49 : ## 2:00 pm: 199 : ########## 3:00 pm: 219 : ########### 4:00 pm: 19 : # 5:00 pm: 9 : 6:00 pm: 36 : ## 7:00 pm: 31 : ## 8:00 pm: 21 : # 9:00 pm: 165 : ######## 10:00 pm: 189 : ######### 11:00 pm: 0 :

HTTP Server Domain Statistics (See general statistics)

Covers: 16/08/97 to 16/08/97 (61 days). All dates are in local time.
2 levels, sorted by domain name, 1 unique domains.

# reqs : # uniq : Last Access (D.M.Y) : Domain ---------------------------------------------- 1140 : 2 : 15/10/97 : .pan 1140 : 2 : 15/10/97 : .pan.kehl
These statistics were produced by getstats 1.2.